We are very happy to announce this exhibition which will happen at Atelier SHOXXXBOXXX!
As an official satellite event of

28.04. – 08.05.2023
A Comic Series by
Vernissage: Fri. 28.Apr.2023 17-23h (scroll down for details)
with food, bar and live concerts
Exhibition: 29.Apr. – 8.May 2023
Open hours: daily (closed 1.+2.May) 15-20h
Original drawings will be on display, comics and screen-prints will be available.
– – – – – (English)
“Dead Time Data” is a growing collection of short comic stories reflecting on over-stimulated perception.
So far a series of four 40-page, black and white issues have been self-published. The short stories are self-contained but take place in related settings of an expanding cosmos. DTD No. 1 is a collection of short stories. DTD No. 2, 3 and 4 are 40 page stories each. The first three issues are wordless, the fourth is with text.
“Nothing” (DTD No. 3) was presented with an exhibition at Microsiphon Festival, Mulhouse, FR, in 2022. “Buzz” (DTD No. 4), along with the entire series, is being presented in a satellite exhibition of the Comic Invasion Berlin 2023.
Andy Leuenberger (Berlin) is a cartoonist, artist, print-maker and micro-publisher. Comics have appeared in numerous anthologies and press. He has an extensive catalogue of self-published books, regularly participates in festivals for comic, printmaking and micropublishing and has exhibited internationally.
instagram: @andy.leuenberger
– – – – – (Deutsch)
„Dead Time Data“ ist eine wachsende Sammlung von Comic-Kurzgeschichten die über die Überreiztheit der Wahrnehmung reflektieren.
Bisher sind vier vierzigseitige, schwarz/weiß Ausgaben im Eigenverlag erschienen. Die Kurzgeschichten sind eigenständig, finden aber in einem zusammenhängenden und expandierenden Kosmos statt. DTD Nr. 1 ist eine Sammlung von Kurzgeschichten. DTD Nr. 2, 3, 4 sind je vierzigseitige Geschichten. Die ersten drei sind ohne Text, der letzte ist mit Text.
“Nothing” (DTD Nr. 3) wurde mit einer Ausstellung am Microsiphon Festival, Mulhouse, FR, in 2022 präsentiert. “Buzz” (DTD Nr. 4) und die Ganze “Dead Time Data” Serie, wird mit einer Satellitenausstellung an der Comic Invasion Berlin 2023 vorgestellt.
Andy Leuenberger (Berlin) ist Cartoonist, Künstler, Drucker und Selbstverleger. Comics sind in einem paar Anthologien erschienen. Er hat einen Katalog von selbst-veröffentlichen Büchern, nimmt regelmäßig an Festivals für Comic, Siebdruck und Kleinverlagen und hat international ausgestellt.
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Friday 28.April 2023, 17-23Uhr
Our bar will be open, cheers!
We also have special food (vegan / non-vegan)! Please come hungry :-P
With Live Performances by:
popon (Berlin/Japan/Bristol)
Japanese sound artist and improviser popon began her musical journey as the singer in a punk band before swerving into more experimental territory. Now she uses an arsenal of electronic devices and small instruments to create blurry industrial noise jams that are as informed by Bristol’s progressive bass landscape as they are ’80s Japanese DIY sounds and children’s music.
Mat Pogo (Berlin/Italy)
is a vocalist, improviser, music producer, dj, graphic artist and cartoonist.
He has been an active voice on the european underground scene since the early ‘90s. He co-founded the multimedia collective Burp Enterprise and the music label and publishing house Burp Publications, the avant-garde pop band Jealousy Party and DJ collective Sistemi Audiofobici Burp.
Based in Berlin since 2006 he’s been part of the improvised music, noise and avant rock scenes collaborating with many international artists in music, performance and dance fields. He performed in international festivals as a solo artist and ensembles. His work has been published by several international labels.
Current available projects are Jealousy Party, Voix Magnetiques and Peepholes, besides solo performances and activity as an improviser.
His language as a vocalist uses his experience as a rock singer, improviser and radio artist: music, sounds, anecdotic and narrative elements fuse in an expressive way and often with a delicate sense of humor.
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This is an official satellite event of Comic Invasion Berlin 2023.
posted on 11. Apr. 2023!