
SHOXXXBOXXX LIVE DREAM #28: Saiko Ryusui mit Tatsumi und Krisho

Tuesday 20. August 2024
8PM Berlin time (UTC+1)
Mexico City: 12PM
Rio de Janeiro: 3PM
Hanoi: 1AM 21.August
Japan: 3AM 21.August

#28 features:

Saiko Ryusui mit Tatsumi und Krisho

Saiko Ryusui is a Berlin-based musician & artist who is known in the local DIY underground music scene as the drummer of the universal pop group Brabrabra.

When working as a nanny, Saiko used to make simple songs for every kid who became her friend. Since 2018 she is involved with s h i f t s – art in movement, producing music to accompany performance pieces for young audiences.

Bandcamp: https://saikoryusui.bandcamp.com/

Label: https://kitchenlegrecordsberlin.bandcamp.com/album/saiko-ryusui-le-large
Instagram: @a_girlcalledpsycho

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Line up:
- Live Music by Saiko Ryusui mit Tatsumi und Krisho
- Live play and interactions with Saiko Ryusui mit Tatsumi und Krisho
- Live Animation Theater by SHOXXX
- Virtual DIY workshop by Johannes Marx

and more!
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We will kindly ask viewers for a donation via Paypal in order to continue this project and pay for the performed artists. Thanks for watching (in advance)!

Watch the live show on YouTube

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This show #28 will be held in cooperation with Alex Berlin

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