Squid & Octopus for Risa & Haru san - 2015
Squid & Octopus for Risa & Haru san - 2015
rabbit costume for Benten - 2015
shoxxx family - 2015
PiTuRo costume - PiTuRo is a mascot of my friend's band Pitchtuner, programmed by Johannes Marx - 2014
long thin people - fishing - 2014
long thin people - clubbing - 2014
knitted picnic mat - 2013
knitted picnic mat - 2013
shoxxx puppets @moro moro garden - 2013
shoxxx family - 2013
A Dreamy Shark is releasing its souls - 2013
shoxxx puppets - 2012
the wonderful earth - 2012
ladybirds - 2012
ladybird on the toilet - 2012
ladybird in the toilet - 2012
long-thin-people at shoxxxboxxx - 2012
wunderbahn - 2012
Mr. tree and Octopig - 2011
hair dresser, Ida in the hand - 2011
shoxxx complexxx & Octopig @SudeCoucou - 2011
2011 all stars - 2011
hungry bear costume (shoxxx vs. DAEYE at a halloween party) - 2010
two hungry bears with the drunk tree - 2010
roly poly strawberry - 2010
shoxxxcomplexxx pink @concrete - 2010
dragon family - 2010
dragon flexible fire - 2010
green monster with long arms - 2010
strawberry forever - 2009
tooth - 2009
sexy bunny with fire cap - 2009
welcome board for a wedding party - 2008
Octopig (Butaco in Japanese) - 2008
Octopig as a costume - 2008
sexy bunnies on roller coaster!!! @premarts - 2008
first sexy hase - 2008
packaged sexy hase - 2008
bee zzz.... - 2008